

Event Calendar


Build My Future

Search Fairground Events

There is a lot to see and do at the Iowa State Fairgrounds. After all, when it comes to variety, nothing compares to the Iowa State Fair.

Build My Future

Event Location: William C. Knapp Varied Industries Building

Event Schedule

8:00 AM - 2:00 PM

April 16, 2025

Event Description

Iowa’s largest hands-on learning event is being held at the Iowa State Fairgrounds on, Wednesday, April 16. Build My Future is brought to Central Iowa by Iowa Skilled Trades and their partners to help inform young people, educators and the community on the career opportunities that exist in the skilled trades. This is the sixth year for this event in the Metro and is the largest in its history with over 7,000 students signed up from over 160 schools across Iowa. Build My Future is excited to continue it’s partnership with the Iowa Department of Public Safety. The event will again expand across Grand Avenue and into the Hall of Law. This area will feature opportunities focusing on careers in public service and safety.

Build My Future not only include both residential and commercial construction, but also added hospitality, healthcare, trucking, law enforcement, military, and emergency services. As the students arrive at the Iowa State Fairgrounds, they will be welcomed by heavy equipment and hands on displays that they will soon get the opportunity to operate. Once they are checked in, the participants are issued their own personal protective equipment (PPE) which will be required to do the activities safely. Each student will then be able to choose their own path of activities on the exhibitor floor, both inside and outside. In addition, each student will also receive free lunch provided by Great Caterers of Iowa.

This event is FREE for schools & students. For more information, please visiti iowaskilledtrades.com.

Questions? Contact Katie Neibauer, Katie@dsmhba.com or 515-270-8500.

Event Category: Other

The Iowa State Fair is not responsible for the planning or programming of non-Fair events hosted on the Fairgrounds. All non-Fair events are solely the responsibility of the contracted event organizer and said organizer should be contacted for specific event information.